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5 Reasons People Struggle with their Finances (1 of 5)

5 Reasons People Struggle with their Finances
1. 5 Reasons People Struggle with their Finances (1 of 5)
2. 5 Reasons People Struggle with their Finances (2 of 5)
3. 5 Reasons People Struggle with their Finances (3 of 5)
4. 5 Reasons People Struggle with their Finances (4 of 5)
5. 5 Reasons People Struggle with their Finances (5 of 5)

1) Limiting Beliefs

Like sex, money has culturally been a taboo topic. It was uncouth to discuss finances in any social arena, even within the family structure. We are a society attempting to be financially successful while operating without education or clarity about money choices and management. Often my new clients are not consciously aware of their money beliefs, what I call their “Financial Operating System”. Just as a computer program is coded to manage activities in the system background (not obvious to the user), so do belief systems. Just pause for a moment and reflect on your primary money beliefs and how they influence your money choices every day. A couple well known money beliefs are: Money doesn’t grow on _____; You must work _____ for your money; Money is the root of all ____. If you are able to fill in the blanks then you’re aware of these beliefs. Do any of these resonate with you? Are you aware of your own money beliefs? Are they positive, encouraging, supporting, expansive? Or are they judgmental, limiting, discouraging, heavy and dark?

… and what to do about it:

expand awareness of your money conversations, both internally and with others. Identify the role money plays in your life. Pay attention to the words choices, the feeling evoked, the resistance or flow. Become curious; explore the beliefs that have been driving your financial behaviors, choices and actions. See if those beliefs support you in creating a life you love. If they don’t, choose to try on some new beliefs.

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